Performance V2

Learn how to get even more insights into Android app performance

Performance V2 is a set of features which enrich your existing instrumentation, giving you more insights into potential performance bottlenecks. These features tightly integrate with the Mobile Vitals insights module.

SentryAndroid.init(this, options -> {

Besides enabling performance-v2, this feature requires the Sentry Android Gradle Plugin (version 4.2.0 or above) to be applied to your app module.

Once enabled, your App Start transaction will show a detailed span breakdown of various components:

  • process.load: The process initialization time
  • contentprovider.load: ContentProvider.onCreate() execution time
  • application.load: Application.onCreate() execution time
  • activity.load: The execution time of your Activity lifecycle prior to the first frame being drawn

Screenshot Performance V2 App Start

Frames Delay is the user-perceived delayed duration of rendered frames. The Android SDK automatically attaches this information to every span, giving useful insights and showcasing which spans correlate the most to an impaired user experience. For more technical details about frame delay, head over to our develop docs.

Screenshot Performance V2 Frame Delay

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